Bridge Daughter now available as Kindle ebook and paperback

Bridge Daughter by Jim NelsonKindle Scout Winner Bridge Daughter is now available from Kindle Press!

Early reviews for Bridge Daughter are already coming in:

“Hauntingly beautiful…a disturbing view of an alternate America where children bear their parents’ children for them.” – K. McCutchen, 4-star Amazon review

I was invested in this story from the first page to the last.” – , 5-star Amazon review

I read it with tears rolling down my face.The story will stick with you long after you’ve read the last page.” – RPurvis, 5-star Amazon review

“…makes you think about love, children, and morality. How do you give birth to and raise a daughter until she is 14, only for her to give birth to your ‘real’ child and then die?” – Leah Labbe, 4-star Goodreads review

Remember, if you nominated Bridge Daughter on Kindle Scout, you should have received an email from Amazon with information on how you can obtain your free early copy.

Click here to order your copy of Bridge Daughter

Bridge Daughter now available for pre-order

Final release date: Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

Bridge Daughter by Jim NelsonPurchase your digital copy of Bridge Daughter now for $2.99 and have it automatically downloaded to your Kindle on June 7th.

A paperback edition will be available shortly after June 7th. (Keep watching my web site for details or sign up for my mailing list.)

If you nominated Bridge Daughter on Kindle Scout, you should have received an email from Amazon with information on how you can obtain your free early copy.

And thank you for the nomination! You’re the reason Bridge Daughter is being published.


Bridge Daughter paperback proof

The paperback proof of Bridge Daughter arrived on Thursday. I am, as the kids say, majorly stoked:

Bridge Daughter by Jim Nelson Bridge Daughter by Jim Nelson

The paperback will be published through Amazon’s CreateSpace service. I must say, I’m impressed with what I’m seeing with this proof. I picked up a CreateSpace sample book a few years ago (at an AWP) and something about it didn’t “feel” right. This copy, however, looks and feels great. The cover photo is vibrant, the interior print is even and crisp across the page, and the binding feels firm. Print-on-demand technology had its problems when it was introduced, but it appears the technology has stabilized since then.

Still awaiting word from Kindle Press on the novel’s pre-release and release dates, which drives the availability of the ebook and paperback. I’ll be announcing those dates here on my blog as well as on my mailing list and Facebook page.


Bridge Daughter update and cover reveal

The final manuscript for Bridge Daughter was delivered to Kindle Press on Thursday and accepted by their editorial staff on Friday. The Kindle book is now officially in production. Everything is moving briskly.

Next from Kindle Press, they’ll notify me of Bridge Daughter‘s pre-order date and official publication date. If you nominated Bridge Daughter on Kindle Scout (thank you!) you’ll be able to download your free copy on the pre-order date—meaning you get to read the book before everyone else.

If you didn’t nominate Bridge Daughter (no worries), you’ll be able to order your copy on the pre-order date and receive your copy on the final publication date.

Paperback edition

I’m also happy to announce that a paperback edition of Bridge Daughter will also be available on Amazon. Conveniently, the paperback will be sold alongside the Kindle ebook (on the same page), so whichever edition is right for you is yours for the taking.

Pricing, dates, and other details for both editions are still in the works. Once I know, you’ll know, so stay tuned.

And now—miniature trumpet fanfare—I give you a cover reveal for the paperback edition of Bridge Daughter:

Bridge Daughter by Jim Nelson


Erik Therme (“Resthaven”) on Bridge Daughter

Bridge Daughter by Jim NelsonBridge Daughter‘s not even published yet and it’s drawing attention:

Have any new writers grasped your interest recently?

…I’m also excited about the upcoming novel, Bridge Daughter, by Jim Nelson. The first few chapters immediately drew me in, and I can’t wait to read the book in its entirety.

Erik Therme is the author of Mortom and Resthaven, a recent Kindle Scout winner. Check out his web site at


Kindle Press to publish Bridge Daughter

An hour ago I learned Kindle Press has accepted Bridge Daughter for publication!

The news is still soaking in. I don’t have much else to say at the moment. I should have more details soon.

What a great Monday.

I don’t have a publication date yet, but you can still download and read the first chapters of Bridge Daughter at its Kindle Scout page.


Bridge Daughter on Kindle Scout: Week Four

Bridge Daughter by Jim NelsonThe lights went dim on the Bridge Daughter campaign Friday night around 9pm Pacific time (midnight on the East Coast). Did it end with a bang or a whimper? I would say it ended…on an up-note.

As I wrote last time, campaign activity dropped off after Week Two. What I didn’t realize when I wrote that post is how long the trough would sustain. Bridge Daughter had enjoyed a perch on the Kindle Scout Hot & Trending list for nearly two complete weeks, then fell off entirely, save for a few days when it resurfaced for a couple of hours. After reading other messages on the kboards Writers’ Cafe, I discovered I wasn’t alone—it appears Week Three of the campaign is a quiet stretch for more than a few nominees.

Fortunately, Bridge Daughter rebounded in Week Four and ended with a strong finish: four straight days on the Hot & Trending charts for 24 hours each day. It looks like the interest rekindles (no pun) when a book lands on the “Ending Soon” list, which gives it some prominence on the Kindle Scout home page. It also adds a little urgency to the readers, letting them know that if they want to see a book published, they need to vote now, and not put it off.

I’m out of energy to write more about Kindle Scout at the moment. It was fortunate the campaign concluded Friday evening. It’s nice to have a weekend to myself. I realized toward the end of Week Three that not a day had passed since the campaign started that I wasn’t fretting over it: writing emails, arranging advertising, social media, working on my blog…it adds up.

Now I wait for Amazon to evaluate the campaign results and my manuscript and return to me with a yea or a nay.