
IN MY MEMORY LOCKED selected for the SPSFC

In My Memory Locked by Jim Nelson

This morning I received an email informing me In My Memory Locked was accepted for the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition (SPSFC).

This is the contest organized by Hugh Howey (WOOL) and Duncan Swan (Monstre), well-known authors in the independent publishing arena. They’ve organized ten teams of 59 judges (authors, readers, and podcasters) to narrow the field to a final winner.

Three hundred books were selected for the running, so there’s plenty of competition. The SPSFC generated a ton of buzz via word-of-mouth in the self-publishing community. The number of entrants blew past the 300 mark within hours of accepting applications. I’m plenty proud to have made the first cut.

The first round group my entry is a part of will be judged by File 770.

If you’re curious what the hub-bub is over, check out In My Memory Locked, available now in Kindle and paperback.

Semi-finalists will be announced January of next year. Finalists and winner are announced in June. Fingers crossed!