During the first week of the pandemic lock-down, a security guard starts seeing things he’s not supposed to see.
Men working underground on Internet data lines in the dead of night—neighborhood patrols enforcing the shelter-in-place order—the upcoming presidential election looking bought and paid for—and a conspiracy to steal millions of dollars in Bitcoin.
All the while, the security guard shows worrying symptoms he’s infected with COVID-19. It’s only a matter of days—even hours—before he’s taken into emergency care and quarantined in an isolation unit.
All signs point to something amiss in his affluent suburban town…and the further he digs into it, the more he discovers nothing is as it seems.
Praise for Man in the Middle
“Definitely worth a read…I found myself thinking a lot about this book between chapters because every aspect of pandemic life reminds me of it. …. The character development was solid and the storyline was captivating. It was a welcome escape.” – Margaret P. Olson
“Writing about the pandemic while it is going on was a bold challenge. … Nelson certainly writes well, and he tells an interesting tale.” – Paul Raymer, Salty Air Publishing
Where to read more
- Man in the Middle on Amazon: Kindle and paperback now available
- Man in the Middle on Kobo
- Read more about Man in the Middle on my blog, including “Why I wrote a novel about COVID-19”