I’m an inveterate Wordle player. When I wake up, I’ll open the app and try to finish the game before rising. I’ve played nearly two hundred rounds so far, which is by no means a long span of time compared to other Wordle fanatics I’ve seen online.
Like most ardent Wordle players, I have my start word, that is, my initial guess which is intended to locate as many common consonants and vowels as possible, in order to make better-educated guesses in the next turns. I went through a few start words when I started playing, landed on one I liked, and have religiously opened with it since.
Well, this morning I hit pay dirt: My start word was, in fact, the word of the day. I’ve wondered for a while now if it would ever happen. Praise be, it has.
And no…I’m not telling you the word today (although see comments for more).
Wordle 654 1/6

That’s mean.
Wordle 654, April 4th, 2023
I only intended not to share the word on the same day it was active. You are correct, my start word is “ratio.”